Disclosure Policy

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Hinduism Today may accept sponsored content or advertisements. Such content will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored. We only work with brands and businesses that align with our values and are of interest to our readers.

Product Reviews

From time to time, Hinduism Today may publish product reviews. These reviews are based on our honest opinions and experiences with the products. We do not accept payment for writing reviews, and our opinions remain unbiased.

Editorial Independence

Our editorial content is independent of any sponsorship or advertising influence. We are committed to providing accurate, informative, and unbiased content to our readers.

User Transparency

Transparency is essential to us. We want our readers to make informed decisions. If you have any questions about our disclosure policy or any affiliations on Hinduism Today, please feel free to contact us.

Changes to this Policy

Hinduism Today reserves the right to update or change this disclosure policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page with the last updated date.

By using Hinduism Today, you agree to our disclosure policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from using our website.