A Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Aarti during Navratri

Navratri Aarti

Navratri Aarti नवरात्रि में आरती कैसे करें: एक आसान गाइड

Navratri Aarti is a sacred Hindu religious ritual where light from wicks soaked in ghee (clarified butter) or camphor is offered to one or more deities. During Navratri, devotees perform aarti to pay homage to Goddess Durga and seek her divine blessings.

Steps to Perform Aarti during Navratri:

  • Light the Diya: Begin by lighting a diya (lamp) using ghee or camphor. This symbolizes the presence of the divine.
  • Offer to the Deity: Hold the diya in your right hand and offer it to the deity while reciting the aarti. This act represents your reverence and devotion.
  • Circular Motion: Gently move the diya in a clockwise circular motion in front of the deity. This signifies the spreading of positive energy and blessings.
  • Completion and Sharing: After completing the aarti, touch the diya to your forehead as a mark of sanctification and then offer it to other devotees present. Sharing the aarti’s light symbolizes the spreading of divine grace to all.

Example Aarti for Navratri: Here’s an example of an aarti that you can recite during Navratri to invoke the blessings of Goddess Durga and enhance your spiritual connection.

“जय अम्बे गौरी, मैया जय श्यामा गौरी

तुमको निश्दिन ध्यावत, हरि ब्रह्मा शिवजी

जय अम्बे गौरी


मंग सिंदूर विरजत, टीको मृगमद को

उज्जवल से दोउ नैना, चंद्रवदन निको

जय अम्बे गौरी


कनक समन कलेवर, रक्ताम्बर राजे

रक्तपुष्प गलमाला, कंठन पर सजे

जय अम्बे गौरी


केहरी वाहन राजत, खड़ग खप्पर धारी

सुर नर मुनिजन सेवत, तिनके दुखहारी

जय अम्बे गौरी


कानन कुंडल शोभित, नासग्रे मोती

कोटिक चंद्र दिवकर, सम रजत ज्योति

जय अम्बे गौरी


शुंभ-निशुंभ बिदारे, महिषासुर घाती

धूम्र विलोचन नैना, निशदिन मदमाती

जय अम्बे गौरी


चंद-मुंद सन्हारे, शोणित बीज हारे

मधु-कैतभ दोउ मारे, सुर भयहीन करे

जय अम्बे गौरी


ब्रह्माणी रुद्राणी तुम कमला रानी

अगम निगम बखानी तुम शिव पतरानी

जय अम्बे गौरी


चौसठ योगिनी मंगल गवत, नृत्य करत भैरों

बजत ताल मृदंग, अरु बजत डमरु

जय अम्बे गौरी


तुम ही जग की माता, तुम ही हो भारता

भक्तन की दुख हरता, सुख सम्पति करता

जय अम्बे गौरी


भुजा चार अति शोभित, वर मुद्रा धारी

मन वांछित फल पावत, सेवत नर नारी

जय अम्बे गौरी


कंचन थाल विरजत अगर कपूर बाटी,

श्री माल केती कुंडा नित में राजत,

कोटि रतन ज्योति जागे निर्मल नीर,

कोटि तीर्थ के तीर्थ जागे सुमन मेले,

गंगा बहते चलो तीरथ नाम तिहारो,

देवियो आरती उतारें जो जन नर तारो,

जय अम्बे गौरी मैया जय श्यामा गौरी।”

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Q: What is Navratri aarti?

Navratri Aarti is a Hindu religious ritual where light from wicks soaked in ghee (clarified butter) or camphor is offered to one or more deities. It is a way to show devotion and respect to the deity, and to seek their blessings.

Q: Why is aarti performed during Navratri?

Aarti is performed during Navratri to worship Goddess Durga and her nine forms. It is a way to show our gratitude to her for protecting us and blessing us.

Q: What do I need to perform Navratri Aarti?

To perform Navratri Aarti, you will need:

  • Aarti plate: A metal plate with a few compartments to hold the ghee, camphor, and wicks.
  • Wicks: You can use cotton wicks or wicks made from other natural materials.
  • Ghee or camphor: Ghee is the traditional fuel used for aarti, but you can also use camphor.
  • Aarti bell: A small bell that is rung during the aarti.
  • Aarti book: A book with the aarti mantras.

Q: How do I perform Navratri Aarti?

To perform Navratri Aarti, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands and face before starting the aarti.
  2. Place the aarti plate in front of the deity image or idol.
  3. Light the wicks in the ghee or camphor.
  4. Ring the aarti bell and start singing the aarti mantras.
  5. Move the aarti plate in a circular motion in front of the deity.
  6. After completing the Navratri Aarti, touch the aarti plate to your forehead and then offer it to other devotees present.

Q: What are some tips for performing Navratri Aarti?

Here are some tips for performing Navratri Aarti:

  • Be respectful and focused during the aarti.
  • Sing the aarti mantras correctly.
  • Move the aarti plate slowly and carefully.
  • Be careful not to spill the ghee or camphor.
  • Offer the aarti plate to other devotees present.

Q: What are some popular aarti mantras for Navratri?

Here are some popular aarti mantras for Navratri:

  • Jai Ambe Gauri
  • Om Jai Jagadambe
  • Chalo Bulawa Aaya Hai
  • Mata Rani Ki Aarti
  • Mangalmayi Sherawali

Essential Navratri Puja Samagri: Your Complete Checklist

Navratri Puja Samagri

Navratri Puja Samagri नवरात्रि पूजा सामग्री की पूरी सूची: घर पर नवरात्रि पूजा करने के लिए आवश्यक सभी चीजें

नवरात्रि नौ दिनों का हिंदू त्योहार है जो देवी दुर्गा की पूजा के लिए समर्पित है। यह त्योहार हर साल दो बार मनाया जाता है, एक बार वसंत में और एक बार शरद ऋतु में। नवरात्रि के दौरान, भक्त देवी दुर्गा के नौ रूपों की पूजा करते हैं।

नवरात्रि पूजा करने के लिए आपको कुछ आवश्यक सामग्री की आवश्यकता होगी। यहां नवरात्रि पूजा सामग्री की पूरी सूची है:

  • देवी दुर्गा की मूर्ति या तस्वीर
  • मिट्टी का एक बर्तन जिसमें जौ बोए हों
  • लाल कपड़े में लिपटा नारियल
  • आम के पत्ते
  • फूल
  • फल
  • मिठाई
  • अगरबत्ती
  • दीपक
  • घंटी

इन आवश्यक सामग्रियों के अलावा, आप निम्नलिखित सामग्री को भी शामिल कर सकते हैं:

  • मौली (लाल धागा)
  • रोली (लाल पाउडर)
  • कुमकुम (लाल सिंदूर)
  • अक्षत (चावल)
  • शहद
  • दूध
  • दही
  • घी
  • पंचामृत (दूध, दही, घी, शहद और चीनी का मिश्रण)
  • नैवेद्य (देवी दुर्गा को भोग लगाने के लिए शुद्ध शाकाहारी भोजन)

नवरात्रि पूजा करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एक चौकी (छोटी चौकी) पर देवी दुर्गा की मूर्ति या तस्वीर स्थापित करनी होगी। इसके बाद, आपको मिट्टी के बर्तन में जौ बोना होगा और उसे मूर्ति के पास रखना होगा। इसके बाद, आपको नारियल को लाल कपड़े में लपेटकर मूर्ति के सामने रखना होगा। अब, आप आम के पत्तों, फूलों, फलों और मिठाई चढ़ा सकते हैं। अंत में, अगरबत्ती जलाएं, दीपक जलाएं और घंटी बजाएं।

नवरात्रि पूजा के दौरान आप देवी दुर्गा के निम्नलिखित मंत्रों का जाप कर सकते हैं:

  • दुर्गा पूजा मंत्र: ऊं दुं दुर्गायै नमः
  • नवरात्रि पूजा मंत्र: ऊं ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुंडायै नमः
  • आरती मंत्र: ऊं आईलम आरती उतारो रे

नवरात्रि पूजा के दौरान आपको कुछ सावधानियां भी बरतनी चाहिए:

  • सुनिश्चित करें कि पूजा क्षेत्र साफ और सुव्यवस्थित है।
  • पूजा करने से पहले स्नान करें और स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण करें।
  • पूजा के दौरान सम्मानजनक और एकाग्र रहें।
  • मंत्रों का उच्चारण सही ढंग से करें।
  • प्रसाद पहले देवी दुर्गा को चढ़ाएं, फिर दूसरों को वितरित करें।

मुझे उम्मीद है कि यह लेख आपको नवरात्रि पूजा सामग्री और नवरात्रि पूजा करने की विधि के बारे में पूरी जानकारी प्रदान करेगा। नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!

Frequently asked Question and Answers:

 नवरात्रि पूजा क्या है?

नवरात्रि पूजा एक हिंदू अनुष्ठान है जो देवी दुर्गा की पूजा के लिए किया जाता है। यह नौ दिनों का त्यौहार है जो बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का जश्न मनाता है। नवरात्रि पूजा घर पर या मंदिर में की जा सकती है।


What is Navratri puja samagri?

Navratri puja samagri is the list of items that are used to worship Goddess Durga during the Navratri festival. These items are used to create a sacred space and to offer various items to the goddess as a symbol of devotion.

What are the essential items of Navratri puja samagri?

The essential items of Navratri puja samagri include:

  • Kalash (pot filled with water and coconut)
  • Mango leaves
  • Betel leaves
  • Kumkum (red powder)
  • Roli (red thread)
  • Haldi (turmeric powder)
  • Akshata (unbroken rice grains)
  • Sugar
  • Ghee
  • Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Sweets

Where can I buy Navratri puja samagri?

You can buy Navratri puja samagri from most Hindu religious stores or online retailers. You can also assemble your own puja samagri by purchasing the individual items from a grocery store or market.

How do I arrange the Navratri puja samagri?

The Navratri puja samagri can be arranged on a clean altar or table. The kalash is placed in the center of the altar, and the other items are arranged around it. The fruits and flowers are offered to the goddess on the left side of the kalash, and the sweets are offered on the right side.

What should I wear for Navratri puja?

Traditional clothing is worn for Navratri puja. For women, this typically means a saree or salwar kameez. For men, this typically means a dhoti kurta or shirt and pants.

How long does Navratri puja last?

Navratri puja typically lasts for about 30 minutes. However, you can worship Goddess Durga for as long as you like.

What are some tips for performing Navratri puja?

Here are some tips for performing Navratri puja:

  • Make sure that the puja area is clean and tidy.
  • Wash your hands and face before starting the puja.
  • Light a lamp and incense sticks.
  • Offer flowers and fruits to Goddess Durga.
  • Chant mantras or sing devotional songs.
  • Pray to Goddess Durga for her blessings.

Q: What can I do with the Navratri puja samagri after the puja is over?

A: After the puja is over, the fruits and flowers can be consumed as prasad. The other items can be reused for future pujas or donated to a temple.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when performing Navratri puja?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing Navratri puja:

  • Not washing your hands and face before starting the puja.
  • Not lighting a lamp and incense sticks.
  • Not offering flowers and fruits to Goddess Durga.
  • Not chanting mantras or singing devotional songs.
  • Not praying to Goddess Durga for her blessings.
  • Leaving the puja area messy after the puja is over.

What are the benefits of performing Navratri puja?

Performing Navratri puja has many benefits, both physical and spiritual. Some of the physical benefits of Navratri puja include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving mental focus and concentration
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Promoting healing

Some of the spiritual benefits of Navratri puja include:

  • Deepening your connection with Goddess Durga
  • Receiving her blessings and guidance
  • Cultivating positive qualities such as compassion, love, and forgiveness
  • Achieving spiritual growth and development

Navratri Puja Vidhi: A Step-by-Step Guide to Worshipping Goddess Durga

navratri puja vidhi

नवरात्रि हिंदू धर्म का एक प्रमुख त्यौहार है, जो नौ दिनों तक मनाया जाता है। इन नौ दिनों में देवी दुर्गा के नौ रूपों की पूजा की जाती है। नवरात्रि पूजा घर पर ही करना बहुत शुभ होता है। घर पर नवरात्रि पूजा कैसे करें, यह जानने के लिए पढ़ें यह आर्टिकल:

नवरात्रि पूजा सामग्री:

  • देवी दुर्गा की मूर्ति या तस्वीर
  • मिट्टी का कलश
  • जौ के बीज
  • नारियल
  • आम के पत्ते
  • फूल
  • फल
  • मिठाई
  • अगरबत्ती
  • दीया
  • घंटी

नवरात्रि पूजा विधि:

  1. पूजा घर को साफ करके एक चौकी बीच में रखें।
  2. चौकी पर देवी दुर्गा की मूर्ति या तस्वीर रखें।
  3. मिट्टी के कलश में मिट्टी भरकर उसमें जौ के बीज बो दें। इस कलश को देवी दुर्गा की मूर्ति के पास रखें।
  4. नारियल को लाल कपड़े में लपेटकर कलश के मुंह पर रखें। उसके ऊपर आम के पत्ते और सिक्के रखें।
  5. कलश के सामने दीया जलाएं।
  6. देवी दुर्गा को फूल, फल और मिठाई अर्पित करें।
  7. अगरबत्ती जलाएं और घंटी बजाएं।
  8. देवी दुर्गा का ध्यान करें और मंत्रों का जाप करें।
  9. पूजा के अंत में देवी दुर्गा की आरती करें।

नवरात्रि पूजा के लिए मंत्र:

  • दुर्गा पूजा मंत्र: ॐ दुं दुर्गायै नमः
  • चौकी स्थापना मंत्र: ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं चौकी स्थापना करोमि नमः
  • नवरात्रि पूजा मंत्र: ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुंडायै नमः
  • आरती मंत्र: ॐ आईलम आरती उतारो रे

नवरात्रि पूजा के अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न:

1. नवरात्रि पूजा घर पर कैसे करें?

नवरात्रि पूजा घर पर करने के लिए ऊपर बताए गए चरणों का पालन करें।

2. नवरात्रि पूजा के लिए क्या-क्या सामग्री चाहिए?

नवरात्रि पूजा के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री की सूची ऊपर दी गई है।

3. नवरात्रि पूजा किस समय करनी चाहिए?

नवरात्रि पूजा आप किसी भी समय कर सकते हैं, लेकिन सुबह या शाम का समय सबसे अच्छा होता है।

4. नवरात्रि पूजा में कौन से मंत्र जाप करना चाहिए?

नवरात्रि पूजा में आप कोई भी दुर्गा मंत्र जाप कर सकते हैं, जैसे कि दुर्गा पूजा मंत्र, चौकी स्थापना मंत्र, नवरात्रि पूजा मंत्र और आरती मंत्र।

5. नवरात्रि पूजा में कौन सी आरती करनी चाहिए?

नवरात्रि पूजा में आप कोई भी दुर्गा आरती कर सकते हैं, जैसे कि दुर्गा अष्टमी आरती, दुर्गा महारानी आरती और दुर्गा चालीसा आरती।

6. नवरात्रि पूजा में क्या प्रसाद चढ़ाना चाहिए?

नवरात्रि पूजा में आप कोई भी सात्विक प्रसाद चढ़ा सकते हैं, जैसे कि फल, मिठाई, हलवा, खीर, आदि।

उम्मीद है कि यह आर्टिकल आपको नवरात्रि पूजा विधि समझने में मददगार होगा। नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं!

In English:

Navratri Puja Vidhi with Mantras

Step 1: Cleanse yourself

  • Mantra: Om Hrim Kleem Shreem Aim Namaha

Step 2: Set up the puja altar

  • Mantra: Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarva artha sadhike sharanye tryambake gauri narayani namostute

Step 3: Place the kalash in the center of the altar

  • Mantra: Om kalashaya namaste

Step 4: Arrange the other puja materials around the kalash

  • Mantra: Om namaha shivaya

Step 5: Light a lamp and incense sticks

  • Mantra: Om jyotirlingaya namaste

Step 6: Offer flowers and fruits to Goddess Durga

  • Mantra: Om pushpanjali namaste

Step 7: Chant mantras or sing devotional songs in praise of Goddess Durga

  • Mantra: Om durga durga namaste

Step 8: Pray to Goddess Durga for her blessings

  • Mantra: Om sarva mangala mangalye shive sarva artha sadhike sharanye tryambake gauri narayani namostute

Step 9: Distribute the prasad (food offered to the deity) to everyone present

  • Mantra: Om namah shivaya

Navratri Puja for Each Day

Day 1: Shailputri

  • Mantra: Om shailputraye namah

Day 2: Brahmacharini

  • Mantra: Om brahmacharinyai namah

Day 3: Chandraghanta

  • Mantra: Om chandraghantayai namah

Day 4: Kushmanda

  • Mantra: Om kushmandayai namah

Day 5: Skandamata

  • Mantra: Om skandamatae namah

Day 6: Katyayani

  • Mantra: Om katyayanyai namah

Day 7: Kaalratri

  • Mantra: Om kaalratryai namah

Day 8: Mahagauri

  • Mantra: Om mahagaurayai namah

Day 9: Siddhidatri

  • Mantra: Om siddhidhatryai namah

How to Perform Navratri Puja Each Day

The basic steps for performing Navratri puja each day are the same as those listed above. However, there are some specific rituals that are performed on each day.

On the first day of Navratri, Ghatasthapana is performed, which is the installation of the kalash. The kalash is a pot filled with water and topped with a coconut. It represents the universe and is worshiped as a form of Goddess Durga.

On each day of Navratri, a different form of Goddess Durga is worshiped. On the first day, Shailputri is worshiped. She is the daughter of the mountain king and represents the power of nature.

On the second day, Brahmacharini is worshiped. She is the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom.

On the third day, Chandraghanta is worshiped. She is the goddess with the bell-shaped moon on her forehead and represents the power of the mind.

On the fourth day, Kushmanda is worshiped. She is the creator of the universe and represents the power of creativity.

On the fifth day, Skandamata is worshiped. She is the mother of Lord Skanda and represents the power of motherhood.

On the sixth day, Katyayani is worshiped. She is the daughter of Sage Katyayana and represents the power of justice.

On the seventh day, Kaalratri is worshiped. She is the goddess of the dark night and represents the power of destruction.

On the eighth day, Mahagauri is worshiped. She is the goddess with the fair complexion and represents the power of purity.

On the ninth day, Siddhidatri is worshiped. She is the bestower of all siddhis (perfections) and represents the power of knowledge and wisdom.

On the tenth and final day of Navratri, Vijaya Dashami is celebrated. This day marks the victory of good over evil and is a time to celebrate the power of Goddess Durga.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for “Navratri Puja Vidhi”

What is Navratri puja vidhi?

Navratri puja vidhi is the step-by-step guide on how to perform a Navratri puja, which is a Hindu ritual of worshipping Goddess Durga during the nine-day Navratri festival.

What are the materials needed to perform a Navratri puja?

The materials needed to perform a Navratri puja include:

  • Kalash (pot filled with water and coconut)
  • Mango leaves
  • Betel leaves
  • Kumkum (red powder)
  • Roli (red thread)
  • Haldi (turmeric powder)
  • Akshata (unbroken rice grains)
  • Sugar
  • Ghee
  • Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Sweets

Where can I find a Navratri puja vidhi?

You can find Navratri puja vidhis in many Hindu religious books and online resources. You can also ask a Hindu priest or guru for guidance.

How do I perform a Navratri puja?

Here is a basic Navratri puja vidhi:

  1. Cleanse yourself by taking a bath.
  2. Set up a puja altar or table in a clean and quiet place.
  3. Place the kalash in the center of the altar.
  4. Arrange the other puja materials around the kalash.
  5. Light a lamp and incense sticks.
  6. Offer flowers and fruits to Goddess Durga.
  7. Chant mantras or sing devotional songs in praise of Goddess Durga.
  8. Pray to Goddess Durga for her blessings.
  9. Distribute the prasad (food offered to the deity) to everyone present.

What mantras can I chant during a Navratri puja?

Here are some popular mantras that you can chant during a Navratri puja:

  • Om Jai Durga
  • Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
  • Om Namah Shivaya
  • Om Jai Mata Di

What devotional songs can I sing during a Navratri puja?

Here are some popular devotional songs that you can sing during a Navratri puja:

  • Jai Ambe Gauri
  • Om Jai Jagadambe
  • Chalo Bulawa Aaya Hai
  • Mata Rani Ki Aarti
  • Mangalmayi Sherawali

What is the best time to perform a Navratri puja?

The best time to perform a Navratri puja is in the morning or evening. However, you can perform the puja at any time that is convenient for you.

How long does a Navratri puja last?

A Navratri puja typically lasts for about 30 minutes. However, you can worship Goddess Durga for as long as you like.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when performing a Navratri puja?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing a Navratri puja:

  • Not cleansing yourself before starting the puja.
  • Not setting up the puja altar in a clean and quiet place.
  • Not offering flowers and fruits to Goddess Durga.
  • Not chanting mantras or singing devotional songs.
  • Not praying to Goddess Durga for her blessings.
  • Leaving the puja area messy after the puja is over.

What are the benefits of performing a Navratri puja?

Performing a Navratri puja has many benefits, both physical and spiritual. Some of the physical benefits of performing a Navratri puja include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving mental focus and concentration
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Promoting healing

Some of the spiritual benefits of performing a Navratri puja include:

  • Deepening your connection with Goddess Durga
  • Receiving her blessings and guidance
  • Cultivating positive qualities such as compassion, love, and forgiveness
  • Achieving spiritual growth and development

How To Do Navratri Puja At Home

how to do navratri puja at home?

How To Do Navratri Puja At Home? A Step-by-Step Guide with Relevant Mantras

Navratri is a nine-day Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. It is a time of spiritual significance and devotion, and performing Navratri Puja at home is a wonderful way to connect with the divine.

Here, we present seven easy steps to help you conduct Navratri Puja with devotion and reverence in the comfort of your home:

Step 1: Ghata Sthapana (घट स्थापना)

  • Cleanse your puja area and set up a chowki (small platform) in the center.
  • Place the Maa Durga idol on the chowki.
  • Fill a clay pot with soil and sow barley seeds in it. Place the pot next to the idol.
  • Chant the following mantra:

Ghata Sthapana Mantra:

Om Hrim Kleem Durgayai Namah(ॐ ह्रीं क्लीं दुर्गायै नमः)

Step 2: Establish the Kalash(कलश की स्थापना करें)

Fill a pot with holy water (Gangajal).

    1. Place a coconut wrapped in roli (red cloth) on the mouth of the pot.
    2. Tie mango leaves and coins around the coconut.
    3. Place the Kalash in front of the Maa Durga idol.
    4. Chant the following mantra:

      Kalash Sthapana Mantra:

      Om Hrim Shrim Kalasham Sthapana Karomi Namah(ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं कलशं स्थापना करोमि नमः)

Step 3: Worship of Goddess Durga(देवी दुर्गा की पूजा)

  1. Light a Diya (lamp) in front of the deity.
  2. Offer flowers, fruits, and sweets to the goddess.
  3. Chant the following mantra:

Durga Puja Mantra:

Om Dum Durgayai Namah(ॐ दम दुर्गायै नमः)

Step 4: Chowki Sthpana (चौकी स्थापना)

    1. Spread roli on the chowki.
    2. Tie moli (red thread) around the chowki.
    3. Place the idol of Goddess Durga on the chowki.
    4. Chant the following mantra:

    Chowki Sthapana Mantra:

    Om Shrim Hrim Chowki Sthapana Karomi Namah(ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं चौकी स्थापना करोमि नमः)

Step 5: Navratri Puja(नवरात्रि पूजा)

  1. Offer flowers, bhog (food offering), diya, fruits, and more to carry out the ritual of Navratri Puja.
  2. Chant the following mantra:

Navratri Puja Mantra:

Om Aim Hrim Kleem Chamundayai Namah(ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै नमः)

Step 6: Aarti (आरती)

  1. Prepare a thali (plate) with Navratri decoration items, such as flowers, incense sticks, and a bell.
  2. Sing the aarti song in praise of Goddess Durga.
  3. Jingle the bell while singing the aarti song.
  4. Chant the following mantra:

Aarti Mantra:

Om Aailam Aarti Utaro Re(ॐ ऐलं आरती उतारो रे)

Step 7: Inviting and Feeding Goddesses

  1. Invite devis (small girls) to your home on the last day of Navratri.
  2. Offer them prasad (blessed food) and seek their blessings.
  3. Chant the following mantra:

Invitation Mantra:

Om Aagaccha Devi(ॐ आगच्छ देवी)

Performing Navratri Puja at home can be a deeply fulfilling and spiritual experience. Follow these seven steps with devotion to connect with the divine energy of Goddess Durga during this auspicious festival.

Relevant Mantras

Here is a summary of the relevant mantras for each step of Navratri Puja:

  • Ghata Sthapana Mantra: Om Hrim Kleem Durgayai Namah
  • Kalash Sthapana Mantra: Om Hrim Shrim Kalasham Sthapana Karomi Namah
  • Durga Puja Mantra: Om Dum Durgayai Namah
  • Chowki Sthapana Mantra: Om Shrim Hrim Chowki Sthapana Karomi Namah
  • Navratri Puja Mantra: Om Aim Hrim Kleem Chamundayai Namah
  • Aarti Mantra: Om Aailam Aarti Utaro Re
  • Invitation Mantra: Om Aagaccha Devi

We hope this article helps you perform Navratri Puja at home with devotion and reverence. May the blessings of Goddess Durga shower upon you and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Question & Answer

Q1: What is Navratri Puja?

A1: Navratri Puja is a Hindu ritual performed to worship Goddess Durga. It is a nine-day festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. Navratri Puja can be performed at home or in a temple.

Q2: What are the essential items needed for Navratri Puja at home?

A2: The essential items needed for Navratri Puja at home are:

  • An idol or picture of Goddess Durga
  • A clay pot with barley seeds
  • A coconut wrapped in red cloth
  • Mango leaves
  • Flowers
  • Fruits
  • Sweets
  • Incense sticks
  • A lamp
  • A bell

Q3: How to do Navratri Puja at home step-by-step?

A3: Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform Navratri Puja at home:

  1. Cleanse your puja area and set up a chowki (small platform) in the center.
  2. Place the Maa Durga idol on the chowki.
  3. Fill a clay pot with soil and sow barley seeds in it. Place the pot next to the idol.
  4. Fill a pot with holy water (Gangajal).
  5. Place a coconut wrapped in roli (red cloth) on the mouth of the pot.
  6. Tie mango leaves and coins around the coconut.
  7. Place the Kalash in front of the Maa Durga idol.
  8. Light a Diya (lamp) in front of the deity.
  9. Offer flowers, fruits, and sweets to the goddess.
  10. Chant the Durga Puja Mantra: Om Dum Durgayai Namah
  11. Spread roli on the chowki.
  12. Tie moli (red thread) around the chowki.
  13. Place the idol of Goddess Durga on the chowki.
  14. Chant the Chowki Sthapana Mantra: Om Shrim Hrim Chowki Sthapana Karomi Namah
  15. Offer flowers, bhog (food offering), diya, fruits, and more to carry out the ritual of Navratri Puja.
  16. Chant the Navratri Puja Mantra: Om Aim Hrim Kleem Chamundayai Namah
  17. Prepare a thali (plate) with Navratri decoration items, such as flowers, incense sticks, and a bell.
  18. Sing the aarti song in praise of Goddess Durga.
  19. Jingle the bell while singing the aarti song.
  20. Chant the Aarti Mantra: Om Aailam Aarti Utaro Re
  21. Invite married women to your home on the last day of Navratri.
  22. Offer them prasad (blessed food) and seek their blessings.
  23. Chant the Invitation Mantra: Om Aagaccha Devi

Q4: What are the benefits of performing Navratri Puja at home?

A4: There are many benefits of performing Navratri Puja at home. It is a way to:

  • Connect with Goddess Durga and receive her blessings
  • Purify your home and create a positive atmosphere
  • Gain energy and strength
  • Overcome challenges and achieve your goals
  • Attract happiness and prosperity

Q5: What are the precautions to take while performing Navratri Puja at home?

A5: Here are some precautions to take while performing Navratri Puja at home:

  • Make sure that the puja area is clean and tidy.
  • Wear clean clothes and bathe before performing the puja.
  • Be respectful and focused during the puja.
  • Chant the mantras correctly.
  • Offer the prasad to Goddess Durga first before distributing it to others.

Q6: What are some additional tips for performing Navratri Puja at home?

A6: Here are some additional tips for performing Navratri Puja at home:

  • Play devotional music in the background.
  • Decorate your home with flowers and other auspicious items.
  • Invite your family and friends to participate in the puja.
  • Perform the puja with devotion and sincerity.